slot99 Pay Up

Wednesday – After my last two posts it only fair that I announce that slot99 fixed their problem and started to pay people their winnings from the weekend today, me included. Its supposed to be rake back day tomorrow, I’m not holding high hopes that we’ll be paid on time after this weeks events to be honest, but we’ll see.

Its the deep stack at AoC tomorrow, I cashed again last week, ended up finishing 2nd despite going into the last 3 with 60% of the chips, but a few mistimed bluffs saw me hanging on for 2nd place. Still, will be looking to make it 3 cashes out of 3 tomorrow.

Football – planning on going down to Stevenage with my lads and my brother on Saturday to watch the mighty Morecambe, can’t really see us making it four wins on the bounce but fingers crossed.

Betfair Update

14 hours after my last post, the following official statement was copied and pasted onto the Betfair Poker Forum

“Betfair Poker is currently offline due to maintenance. Our technical team have taken this decision in order to fix the issue of “trapped funds between poker clients and accounts.

The site will continue to be offline until the problem is resolved. We are unable at this time to give a time when this will be fixed, however, please be assured that we are doing everything we can to get the site up and running as quickly as possible.

All users that have been affected by this issue will be credited in full.

Our sincerest apologies to all users and thank you for your continued patience.

Please come back to the Betfair Poker Forum for updates. ”

So, ok, not the quickest off the blocks but at least a start, maybe I’ll expect the next update in an hour, or two, three, surely not four, five would definetley be taking the piss and six, well not a chance it will take that long for a courtesy update………………..

6 hours and 16 minutes later the following appears on the Betfair forum

“The technical issues with Betfair Poker have been resolved and it is now available for use. Once again, we thank you for your continued patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

From the thousands of responses I could have chosen, this one from a user known as Burrr seems to have summed it up whilst still remaining polite;

“its a joke,they say they have resolved the problem… they havent

as there are still hundreds of thousands of pounds missing from people”

Obviously I’m a few bucks down, but nowhere near as much as the hundreds some are reporting. I’m sure it will get sorted, eventually..maybe.

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